Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #235

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"It was beautiful," Brent says, his voice growing stronger. "There was something really special between us. But it's over now."

Sarah goes pale, a change made even more noticeable by the dark navy canvas of the night that sits behind her. "If it was beautiful -- if it was special -- then why does it have to be over?"

He fights an internal battle with his words and they get the best of him. "This is getting ridiculous, Sarah. Accept that this marriage is done. I am sorry -- I didn't go into this with the intention of hurting you. If I could change the past, I would. But I can't, and neither can you. This is how it has to be."

"Do you think it'll be even better with Molly? That's what this is about! You don't think I'm as good as her. You don't think I deserve--"

"Sarah, stop!" He grabs her wrists tightly as her flailing hands take aim at him. "Stop it," he says through gritted teeth, doing his best not to make a scene.

Unfortunately, Sarah seems to want exactly that. "Let me go!"

He releases her wrists, but his eyes stay locked on hers. "Cut it out. You are acting like a complete child."

"Well, maybe if you'd stop treating me like some kid you can just cast aside because you found someone better to play with--"


"Shut up! I don't want to hear whatever the hell it is you have to say! I don't want to hear another word about how Molly is so much better than me or I'm not good enough or whatever else!"

"Hey, hey," comes the familiar voice. Brent watches as Matt rushes up and wraps his arms around Sarah. "You're out of control," he says quietly as she struggles to get away from him.

Brent watches as Matt tries to subdue her. Out of the corner of his eye, he becomes aware of a presence -- a presence that, even though he knows he should, he cannot ignore.

He turns to Molly. "What are you doing here?"

"Matt and I were out front. We saw you guys down here, and then--he thought he should come down and try to calm her down."

"How the hell do you always manage to turn up where you're least wanted?" Sarah snips at her sister.

Matt strengthens his hold on her momentarily. "Sarah ..."

She doesn't even pay attention to him. "You bitch," she mutters to Molly. "You won. Happy?" She shakes her head in disgust and then settles on Brent. "And you ... what a paragon of virtue you are. Just jump from one sister to the next, right? The two of you make me sick."

"You know what, Molly?" she hisses. "You can have him. Or you can try. But I'm damn sure not gonna make it easy for you."

Molly lowers her eyelids, knowing that she can't lash out in return.

And in that brief moment of darkness, she hears the scuffle begin anew. Before Molly has any idea what is happening, Sarah's hands are on her, pushing her backward.

A cry escapes her lips as she tumbles off the pier and into the freezing waters.


What do you think about the latest twists in the Molly/Brent/Sarah/Matt quadrangle? Is the end in sight? And what will Stan's return mean for Claire? Your thoughts are welcomed over at the Message Forum!

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