Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #235

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"Sarah's a good woman. Right now there are some things that she needs to work through, but when she does open her eyes, the best thing for her would be to have you standing there ... Just hang in there."

Bill's words have been echoing in Matt's ears almost nonstop as he collected himself, cleaned up, and exited the kitchen, another day of work done. Now he strolls out of the restaurant, letting the heavy back door slam closed behind him. Hands ensconced in the warm pockets of his leather jacket, he pauses and takes a long drag of the night air. Not just cool, but cold. And very sharp, very crisp. Winter is definitely making its presence known.

"He's right," he says out loud. The words are sucked right away into the night air, but he had to say them anyway. He's thought them plenty of times, but in his head, their existance was--is--too threatened by all the other complications and doubts for them to last very long at all. Getting them out into the world, even if he's the only one who hears them, seems necessary.

He takes a few undirected steps over the thick planks that make up the pier. He can't see much of anything, save for the dumpster a few feet in front of him, but the world feels wide open right now. For weeks, even months, he has been trapped by the guarded new dynamic of his relationship with Sarah. They've been parents to Victoria and nothing more.

But as much as he has tried, every collected, distant moment around Sarah has been a struggle. His efforts have been walking a precarious tightrope, he realizes now, because with just the slightest change in conditions, he could have been thrown totally of course. His instincts were to talk with Sarah like he used to, to appreciate that beautiful face, maybe even to feel her in his arms as he has done only on the rarest of occasions.

That's what he's been waiting for. That's what he's been fighting all this time. But maybe she really can get past her hang-ups -- maybe she really can move on. Maybe he can help her do it. God knows it's what he wants.

And maybe, just maybe, he can make it happen now.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven

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