Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #235

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"Guess who?" rings the jolly voice from behind.

Bill stares into the darkness of the hands clasped over his eyes. A smile curls his lips as he says without any hesitation, "Hi, Mol."

"I'm that obvious?" she asks as he turns around.

"I'd know that happy voice a mile away," he says with a laugh. "What are you doing here?"

"I had something to tell you and it could not wait 'til you came home later."

"Yeah?" he asks, returning a small portion of his attention to the plate that he was preparing when she snuck up on him.

"Yeah ..." A bubble of excitement wells up in her expression and then bursts as she announces, "I got a new job!"

"What? Really? A promotion?"

"Um, not quite."

"Someplace else, then?"

"Yeah," she says. "Do you remember that job I had for way too short a time when I was engaged to Craig ... ?"

He nods.

"There was another position open at the same firm, so I went for it and I got it!"

"Wow! Congratulations!" Bill pulls his daughter into a tight, sincere hug. "You've really been wanting to work in fashion again, haven't you?"

"Yeah. It's what I always wanted. Doing what I do at Willis doesn't make for a bad job by any means, but this is what I really want to do."

"I'm proud of you for going after it like this."

Her grin flares up again as she thinks back on the conversation she had with Brent not too long ago about the direction of her career and life. "Well, it took some nudging, but I knew I had to give it another shot."

"I'm glad you did. If this is what makes you happy, then you deserve to be doing it."

"I'm glad, too," she says definitively. "I've sat around waiting for too long. It's time for me to decide what I really want and go after it for good."

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven

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