Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #233

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"Honestly ... I don't know." Courtney rolls onto her back, burying her head among the pile of pillows. "I need more time. To think about it, figure out exactly what was going on, all that stuff."

Lauren's attention is caught by a framed photograph of Courtney and Jason in costume from a skating event. "So you think you might be able to forgive him for this?"

No sound comes from the bed for a long time. "Maybe," Court finally says. "Not now. Not this soon. And not until he gives me good reason to."

"I just can't believe Jason would have let this go on for so long. He's such a good guy."

"Or we thought he was."

"You've known him for so long, Court. I think you would've figured it out before now if he wasn't." Lauren picks up the picture of Jason and Courtney, studying it even more closely.

"I don't know what to believe right now," Courtney sighs. "Everything feels like it's totally upside-down." Suddenly she scrambles up from her position on the bed and reaches out for the photo. Lauren hands it over.

Courtney's gaze moves up and down the length of Jason's photographed body. He looks like the same person she has known all these years, but his personality seems like something totally abstract. Something that was an illusion all along.

"I wonder ..." She places the photo face-down on the bed, suddenly unable to look at it. "I wonder if something happened -- between Alex and Jason, I mean."

"What do you mean?" Lauren's eyes go wide with shock as understanding comes to her. "You mean, happened happened?"

"Yeah. Maybe that's why Jason didn't tell us sooner. Because if we knew that, we'd be one step closer to putting it all together."

"No way," Lauren says with an emphatic shake of the head. "Jason wouldn't have fooled around with Alex. I mean, he's ... he's totally into you, you know that? He's not gay, Court."

Hearing that seems to be enough for Courtney, but it still provides her with no answers, and certainly with no comfort. "I just don't know what to think anymore. I don't even know if I can trust him."

Lauren folds her hands in her lap and drops her head. "Man ... I can't even imagine what this has to be like for you. There's no way I could trust Alex again, not right now. Or any guy, for that matter."

This is exactly what has been worrying Courtney ever since she figured out the truth about Alex. Lauren's confidence in men -- and in herself -- was low enough before. This sure isn't going to help it.

"What the hell does it matter?" Lauren continues, exasperated. "If I'm not gonna be good with guys, I might as well be downright terrible, huh?"

Courtney prepares to launch into the reassurances that have become too much of a routine for them, aching for Lauren and for all the damage that has been done. Jason's not getting off the hook for this so easily.

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