Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #233

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"I just can't believe he knew," Courtney practically spits as she shuts the door to her bedroom. She deposits herself on the bed as Lauren takes a seat in the leather computer chair.

"I figured he knew before I did," Lauren says. "When Alex was telling me, I could tell that Jason knew what was going on. But I thought maybe he'd just found out. I didn't think he'd known about it for so long."

Courtney grabs one of the throw pillows on the bed and wraps it inside her arms. "There were times I thought he might have had an idea what was going on with Alex, but ... I never thought it would be like this. I didn't think he was flat-out keeping it from us."

"Me neither," Lauren says with a shake of her head. Her dark blonde ponytail swings from side to side behind her head. "But yeah, there were definitely times that I got the impression he knew something. He practically blurted it out to me a couple of times. There was this one time we went out to eat and he just kept telling me to give up on Alex, but he wouldn't give me a solid reason why."

"Well, now we know. I feel like such an idiot for pushing you so hard to keep going after him."

"You feel like an idiot? Please!" A sarcastic grin briefly appears on Lauren's face. "I'm the one who chased after a gay guy for two years and never got the hint."

"I just thought he was insecure or something. He always talked about how he didn't have that many friends before and how he wasn't that experienced and stuff. I just figured ... I don't know." Courtney puts the pillow aside. "Seriously, I wouldn't have guessed just from the way he acts or anything."

"Yeah, me neither! Hopefully if it had been super-obvious I wouldn't have acted like such a total retard."

"Don't feel stupid," Courtney says softly. "Alex is a really nice guy. You guys totally clicked. And he's still hot. He's just ... not available."

Lauren leans back in the chair and it follows the motion of her body, reclining. She throws up her hands. "I can't believe he let me keep making such a fool of myself! Thank God I never actually slept with him. But still, it's like, he could have stopped me before it almost got to that point like ten times."

"I know, I yelled at him for it, too. I know this has gotta be hard for him, but that doesn't give him the right to screw around with other people like that. Especially people he called friends."

"Ugh, I know!" The chair springs forward as Lauren whips her head downward. She lets it hang, breathing heavily as she says, "I don't even know what I would say to him. Either one of them, for that matter."

"I think I pretty much covered it last night, but don't let that stop you from giving it to 'em again. They could use it." Courtney flicks her hair back behind her head with a little sigh of disgust. "I just absolutely chewed out both of them."

"Good!" Lauren says enthusiastically, but then a cloud of worry lowers over her. "So what does this mean for you and Jay?"

Courtney freezes before she can get out an answer.

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