Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #233

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"It was about Alex," Jason says, accepting defeat and realizing that as much as he wants to keep this to himself and deny it, he also wants to let every last bit of it out. Well, maybe not every last bit.

"Did he do something wrong?" Paula prods gently. Years of trying to walk the kids through solving their own problems has made it a fine-tuned skill.

"Kind of." Jason folds his hands together and leans his forehead against the combined fist. "He's ... Alex is--he's gay."

He can feel that he has managed to shock Paula.

"So," she asks after some silence, less in-control now, "Alex told you but he didn't tell Courtney?"

"Or Lauren."

"Ah." The simple sound fills with understanding as Paula pieces together the puzzle. "And Alex and Lauren were dating, right?"

"Yeah. Sort of. He was ... he kept backing out but then going back into it. Because he was confused, I guess."

Paula takes her time to soak up the situation and sort through it in her head. "So Courtney is mad that you helped Alex lead Lauren on, basically?"

"No!" Jason responds quickly, but then he realizes that that is exactly what has happened. "Well ... I kept trying to talk Lauren out of being interested in him. And I kept trying to tell Court to back off and stop pushing them together. But she didn't get it and I couldn't just come out and tell her."

"No, you probably couldn't. That must have been a really difficult spot to be in."

"Yeah, there's an understatement ..."

"You know what I think?"

He makes eye contact with her, cautiously. "What?"

"Courtney's pretty ... touchy. She doesn't react well to situations like this. But she's had some time to cool off now."

"So you think I should go try and talk to her?"

"I think you have to," Paula says. "If you want to make things right between the two of you, it's the only option you have."

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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