Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #232

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"Diane!" Sarah says with genuine surprise. "Uh, how are you?"

"I'm all right. How about you?"

Sarah shrugs. "Same old."

Awkwardness blankets them for a moment, but waiting it out is not something to which Diane is accustomed, and she doesn't intend to start now. "Mind if I sit down?" she asks.

"Uh, no, go ahead." Sarah's attention turns back to the champagne, at least momentarily.

Diane flags down the bartender and orders her drink.

"So what brings you here?" Sarah asks suddenly, as though the thought just struck her and she must know right this instant.

"I've been in King's Bay for a while, on and off," Diane says. "For Samantha."

"Oh yeah! How's all that going?"

"There was a hearing this afternoon, actually." She lets Sarah linger for a moment. "A preliminary thing, just until the court gets itself in gear, and we all know how long that can take."

"And ... ?"

"The judge gave me custody."

Sarah's eyes go wide. "What? Claire lost custody?"

"Yeah. The judge thought it would be best for Samantha to have the time with me, I guess."

Sarah isn't sure if she is gloating or not. The bartender interrupts to deliver Diane's drink.

"Poor Claire ..." Sarah says almost under her breath. "First Tim and now this."

"I was so sorry to hear about Tim," Diane says with an honesty that takes Sarah by surprise. "But Samantha -- she's my daughter. Do you and your husband have kids yet?"

Sarah does her best to stifle a groan. "I have a daughter, yeah. Victoria." A smile curls her lips.

"So think about it. Your husband marries some other chick and then all of a sudden, she's your kid's mother and you're four weekends a year. Not exactly easy to stomach."

"No, I guess not."

"That's how it is for me -- or was. I mean, I know Samantha's conception wasn't so ... simple, but she still is my daughter. And for two years, everyone has acted like Claire's her mother. Isn't it about time things swung around in my favor a little?"

"Maybe, yeah," Sarah says thoughtfully, the idea still playing on her brain.

Diane slugs back an impressive amount of her drink and then sets the glass back down on the bar, cradling it in both hands. "No offense, but Samantha's my kid and I'm tired of being second best." Her voice falls several notches. "It's gotten to be way too familiar and I'm not taking it anymore."

"I'll second that," Sarah says, downing the last of her champagne in a self-toast tinged with all the bitterness of the last few years.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven

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