Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #232

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"Courtney," Jason says, her name suddenly the most graceless thing he has ever heard as it drops off his lips. Something is very wrong, he can tell that much just by looking at her.

Her cold stare does all the talking that could ever be necessary, but she doesn't let that stop her. "You knew. You knew!"

He knows that his stare betrays the truth, no matter what he might want to say. He looks over at Alex on the other swing. Alex looks up at Courtney, but she hardly even acknowledges him.

"I can't believe you!" she rails at Jason. "How long did you know?"

He shrugs awkwardly. The gesture makes it all too clear that he is trying to figure out what answer to give.

"Court," Alex cuts in with a hint of urgency, "what are you talking about?" He knows the answer already.

"About ... you," she says carefully. Then she holds up her palms. "Don't worry, Lauren didn't tell me or anything. I just sorta ... pieced it together. She told me to come talk to you if I wanted to know what was going on."

"Well ... I appreciate that," he says in a voice close to a mumble, very reflectively. Then his volume increases. "So why are you mad at Jason? He was just respecting my privacy."

"That's not the problem! He let Lauren keep going after you, he let me keep encouraging her, and he let you keep going along with it!" She turns sharply to her boyfriend. "How long did you know, anyway?"

"A--I don't know, uh--a while," Jason stammers. His heart feels like it is trying to jump out of his throat.

"How'd you find out? And without us finding out?"

He shrugs uncomfortably. "I don't know. I just ... it came up. I sorta figured it out. We talked about it a little."

"And you let Lauren and I act like total idiots for how long? Real smooth, Jay." Courtney shakes her head angrily. "I can't believe you!"

"Courtney, wait," Alex calls out before she can make a move. "Don't let this ruin things. Don't hold this against Jason."

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven

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