Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #232

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Claire's body is totally numb. She is faintly aware of Travis's little fingers holding onto her hand, of Samantha's minimal weight resting in her other arm, and of the pavement beneath her feet. But only faintly.

There is a haze surrounding her, a haze all too similar to one that she has experienced before. The scene is the same, the Fishers' house looming in front of her as she crosses the street, waiting to force her into saying out loud what she would rather ignore. Even the November weather has taken a turn for the worse and it is far too reminiscent of the chill of New Year's Day for her liking.

She climbs the front steps up to the porch. The door flies open in front of her and Paula appears in the doorway. Clearly they have been waiting for her, waiting to see what happened.

"Thank goodness," Paula gasps. Claire cannot fathom why she would say something so cruel until she feels Samantha's soft fingers reach up and touch her face.

She knows that she has to say it now, but she can't. She is hoping that her expression will do the talking for her.

"What's wrong?" Paula asks as Bill appears behind her.

Holding her lips together tightly, Claire shakes her head.

"What happened?" Bill demands.

Claire wonders if this is reminding them of that horrible New Year's Day, too.

"I lost her," she murmurs finally. She cannot bring herself to look at the Fishers. "Diane got custody."

"Then why do you have her?" Paula asks, as though there has been some gross misunderstanding and she has just found the key to clearing it all up and restoring things to normal.

"Diane's not taking her until tomorrow. The judge thought it would make the transition easier if we had a final night ... to say goodbye and to get things ready."

Paula turns to Bill. "We should have been there." She can tell that he is thinking the same thing.

"No," Claire says. "I didn't want you to come, I told you that. It wasn't the place for it ..."

Paula's head shakes insistently. "No. If we had been there, the judge would have seen what kind of family Samantha has--"

"It wouldn't have helped. Diane got custody because she's a biological parent and I'm not, case closed."

"But after everything she did," Paula argues, "that can't be enough."

"It was. I didn't exactly come off sounding squeaky-clean, the way her lawyer told the story."

Paula's lips part, ready with another argument, but there is no use and she knows it. Painful silence sits upon them as reality sinks in: There is nothing they can do. Again.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven

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