Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #228

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"How ya doin'?" Jason asks as Alex lets him into the apartment.

"Good. Better than I thought I'd be," Alex says. He shuts the door and locks it without thinking twice about it.

"Yeah, that must be weird." It looks to Alex as though Jason is studying him, like he's trying to determine how Alex is really dealing with the events of last night.

"I'm sorry," Jay says suddenly.

"Sorry? For what?"

"For letting the cat out of the bag. Or ..." The familiar twinkle of amusement flashes in Jason's face and Alex feels relieved. "... out of the closet, as the case may be."

Alex laughs a laugh full of not only amusement, but relief. His friend is still here, and he's not acting strangely. He's not letting what has happened between them change the way he acts or speaks.

"Don't be," Alex says firmly. "You have no need to be sorry. It needed to happen. I was going to tell Lauren -- I had to. That was why I brought her upstairs."

"That made me worry, dude. I was wondering what the hell you were up to." Jason strolls over to the couch, leaning up against its back.

"I was about to go down that road all over again. When she kissed me ... It was like I fell back into it, like I wanted to make it work so I wouldn't have to deal with any of this. Except that there was this other part of me -- this part that was never there before -- that was telling me I didn't need to do that anymore."

"Good! I'm really happy you got to this point. It's no small feat."

"Yeah ..." With a heavy sigh, Alex turns around, hands stuffed deep into his pockets. "I guess."

Jason is quiet for a moment while he tries to read what is going on. "What's wrong?"

From the back, he watches Alex's shoulders shrug. "I don't know. It's just ... weird -- being at this point. That I actually did it, you know?"

"Yeah, I bet." Jason comes off the couch and stands up. He is tempted to cross the patch of carpet standing between himself and Alex and offer a comforting hand on the shoulder or something, but somehow it doesn't seem appropriate.

"Can I ask you a question?"

Alex's inquiry -- a request for permission, really -- cuts into the silence swiftly and suddenly.

"Uh, yeah. Of course," Jason says.

"Okay. Well ..." Alex balls his fists together and begins cracking his knuckles. "Now that we're getting everything out on the table, there's something I need to know."

Jason swallows hard. "Yeah ... ?"

"Yeah." Deep breath. "Why are you doing this -- being so good to me, I mean? Why haven't you freaked out and bailed yet?"

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven

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