Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #228

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"Mmmmm," Molly hums appreciately as she chews, rubbing her stomach exaggeratedly as she looks directly at Samantha.

The little girl giggles at the sight of her aunt looking so goofy.

Molly finishes chewing and, now wearing a super-serious expression, looks across the table at Claire. "I think she's laughing at me."

"You did look pretty funny," Claire shrugs.

"Gee, thanks," Molly says with a roll of the eyes. Smiling, she goes in for another forkful of the eggs that inspired the exaggeration.

"You're entitled," Claire says as she finishes chewing her current bite of waffles. "This place is amazing."

"I know. Only way to get powered up for an all-day shopping spree, that's what I say."

"I agree wholeheartedly." Claire looks over at Travis, who is holding a half-eaten piece of toast in his hand as he stares at an elderly woman and a man who appears to be her son sitting across the restaurant from them.

"I don't know if the kids are as excited about the food as we are," Claire laughs. "Maybe we're turning into a bunch of oldies."

Molly shakes her head. "Not what I want to hear ... but I think you're right."

"There could be worse things."

"Yeah." Molly stops in thought and puts down her fork for the first time since their food has been served. "Yeah, but at least you've got something to show for it."

Sensing the change in mood, Claire puts down her fork, as well. "What do you mean?"

"You've got the kids ... you've got a career you love ... I don't know. I kind of thought I'd have those things by this point, too."

Silence falls over Claire for a moment. When she speaks, her voice is soft. "Hang in there, Mol. You're going to find what you're looking for."

Molly's gaze is now fixed firmly on her plate. "I'd like to think that, I really would. But there just comes a point when it becomes hard to believe."

"I can understand losing faith. I know that all too well, believe me. When Tim died ... I just couldn't believe that anything good was ever going to happen again. It was like I wanted to believe I was being sentenced to an eternity in hell. But there have been mornings I woke up and realized how lucky I am to be alive and to have what I do."

"I am lucky, I know that. In some ways, at least. God, I sound like I'm sixteen years old ... but all I want is to find something that'll last. Something real. Like what you and Tim had. What you still have."

"Yeah ..." Wistfulness sweeps over Claire and, for a moment, she is no longer there in the cafe. She is back in a happier time, a time that made more sense. It has to be possible to find that again.

"Molly, can I ask you something?"

"I guess, yeah. What?"

Claire draws in a deep breath. "That dinner party your mom threw this summer--"

She doesn't even have to finish the statement: Already shame has washed over Molly's face. "Claire--"

"What's going on, Mol? Did something happen between you and Brent? Do you have feelings for him? Is that why Sarah lost it that night?"

Molly picks up her fork again, but only so that she has something to occupy her. "It's not that simple. Sarah's looking for someone to blame ... but things have been bad between them for a long time. It's been hard on Brent, too."

"So what, you--you and he do have something--"

"It's a weird dynamic, a really weird dynamic. I have a feeling no one is going to get what they bargained for or what they want out of it."

More questions are poised on the tip of Claire's tongue, but she restrains them. The look in Molly's eyes is too fascinating. It's the look Claire is sure she had a minute ago when she thought of Tim, a look full of memories and hopes and a shattered reality. A look of longing.

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