Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #225

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Brent leans his head against the doorframe and closes his eyes. "I'm trying, Danielle."

"Are you?" She grabs a few more items and moves past him into the kitchen. As she places them in various cabinets, she says, "You haven't even talked to Sarah since the hospital, right?"

Brent turns around in the doorway. "Yeah. But ... I needed time to sort stuff out. Everything has been so insane." He glances down at his bandaged hands.

"So what now?"

"I'm going to get moving," he says.

"Meaning ... ?"

"The divorce. I'm going ahead with it. I started proceedings months ago and then with the fire and everything--it just got fouled up. I think it gave Sarah some sense of false hope, too. That maybe there was a reason I wasn't able to go through with it or something."

Danielle heads back into the dining room and begins folding the paper grocery bags. "It will be good to move on with this -- for both of you."

"I know. Sarah needs to get the message, too. There's been too much jerking around and I think she's really getting the wrong idea."

"You mean that there might be a chance for you two to get back together?"

"Yeah. I don't know why else she would still be trying so hard." He pauses, shakes his head, and then goes to the table to fold the remaining bag. "We'll see what happens ... Maybe I can forgive her for this stuff. God knows I haven't been perfect. So maybe we'll be able to get along someday ... but there's no way I could spend my life with her. Too much has happened. We're too far apart now."

"I understand, believe me," Danielle says. She gathers the bags up and goes to put them in the kitchen, but she pauses in her tracks. "There is one other thing."


"I haven't forgotten what you told me at my wedding. About you and Molly."

Immediately Brent's gaze moves away from her.

"Brent ... What's going on there? I saw the way you two were when Molly came to see you at the hospital."

"It was nothing," he says quickly, grabbing the bags from her and bringing them into the kitchen himself.


"Yeah." He reappears in the doorway. "We're fine, Danielle, I swear. Everything is under control."

"Are you sure? The way you talked about it--"

"It's fine!" he says forcefully. Then, suddenly, his voice and his entire demeanor drop several notches. "Believe me, I get it. As much as I might want to be with her ... as much as I'm dying to ... it's never going to be possible."

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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