Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #225

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Molly is nearly overcome with the tempation to reply sarcastically, but she contains it. "She just kept pushing," she says finally, doing what she can to maintain her calm. "Eventually something had to give."

"Yeah." Matt's eyes dip down into the sharp brown of the coffee. He moves the spoon around in the cup aimlessly. "I kept warning her, she just wouldn't listen."

Molly lets go of her sandwich entirely and shakes her head. "I knew she would push it as far as she could. That's Sarah. She doesn't listen."

"Yeah, but ... c'mon, it's not like she didn't have any reason for what she did." He is on guard for the brewing argument.

But it's not necessary. "No, you're right," Molly admits. "She did have reasons. Maybe they weren't the best ones, or maybe she didn't do exactly the right things, but she definitely had motivation."

She can feel Matt's surprise from across the table.

"It's not like I hate her," she adds hastily. "I mean ... I've always been hard on her. That's just how things are with Sarah and me. But she is my sister and I want her to be happy."

Matt sips at his coffee thoughtfully, allowing a long moment to pass before he responds. "I'm happy to hear you say that, Molly. With how bad things are ... I kinda thought you'd forgotten that you two are sisters. That counts for a lot."

"I know. And I need to remind myself of it more often ... I wish we could just both be happy. Then we'd be out of each other's hair."

"Yeah," Matt says, clearly swept away in thought. When he comes back down to earth, he looks her straight in the eye. "You wanna know the truth?"


"I'm hoping Sarah will just forget about Brent and move on." He speaks in nearly a whisper, as if saying something forbidden.

"I feel the same way," Molly agrees. Her mind is reaching back to a long-ago conversation during which Matt confessed to having feelings for Sarah. She can't help wondering how much bearing those words have on what he's saying now.

"She's not gonna be happy with him. There's no way she can be, now. They just need a clean break."

"Yeah." Molly returns to the sandwich, but she does it more to allow herself some thinking time than anything else. "You're right. The last thing Sarah needs is to be hanging onto Brent right now."

She sees that glimmer -- almost accusatory -- in Matt's eye, but thankfully, he lets it go. Molly practically lets out a sigh of relief. It's the last thing she needs to be questioned about right now.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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