Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #222

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"There is one thing I've been wondering about," Jason says, wanting to move to less disturbing territory but not ready to abandon the subject altogether.

Molly turns to him, now blocking the sun from her own eyes with a hand. "Yeah?"

"Why didn't you tell Mom and Dad about Sarah hiring the guard to keep you out of Brent's room?"

"Because I didn't want to turn this into some childish battle," Molly says without missing a beat. With a sigh she adds, "At least, not any more than it already is."

Unable to hide his cynicism, Jason asks, "So what, that's it? You're just gonna drop it?"

Molly seems to be choosing her words carefully. "If there's one thing I've learned from this whole mess, it's that these sort of things just don't get dropped. Until they're addressed completely, they're always hanging in the middle of things."

"So you're gonna have it out with Sarah ... ?"

"Kind of." Molly is about to say something else when her lips catch, half-open, and she is drawn into heavy reflection. Sarah never let on that she saw Brent and Molly kissing ... she let that linger and destroy lives for years. She lied about her pregnancy and about Victoria's paternity and only brought them out in the open when she would be benefitted, and when she could turn them around to hurt Molly.

"Well, what are you gonna do?" Jason asks, seeing his sister so wrapped up in thought. "I don't want to watch this fester any longer. If there's some way you can resolve it--"

"I'm hoping that it will be resolved," Molly says firmly. "I don't want to--I can't let this go on any longer."

Jason's expression begs for more information but Molly's tone makes it clear that that's the last she will say about the matter -- for now. Something remains in her eye, though, that makes Jason just a little bit nervous.


Did Sarah's reaction to Paula surprise you? Why was Molly acting so secretive with Jason? Your predictions, questions, and any other reactions are welcome over at the Forum!

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