Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #222

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Sarah reaches out to stroke the soft, pink flesh of the baby's arm. Victoria, still in her grandmother's arms, acknowledges her mother with barely a flutter of the eyes before settling her head back down on Paula's shoulder.

"I think Little Missy over here is ready for her nap," Sarah says.

Paula glances over at the baby, who has practically melted in her arms. "I would say so," she laughs lightly.

"Let me take some of this stuff upstairs so we can put her down--"

"I'll get it, Sarah," Bill says pleasantly, already moving to take the bags in his arms.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course."

"The only bag you'll really need right now is that one," Sarah says, pointing.

Paula is already handing Victoria to her husband. "So you can take your darling granddaughter up, too, and keep it to a single trip."

"I'd be delighted." Bill gently accepts the child into his arms, takes the bag in one hand, and heads for the stairs.

Sarah can tell that Paula has a specific agenda by the way her mother waits until the creaking of the stairs has faded, indicating that Bill is busy with Victoria and they can have a few minutes alone.

"Dear," Paula begins, "how are things? With Brent, I mean."

Sarah's first instinct is to be relieved that the question isn't about Matt, but this isn't exactly a topic she is dying to discuss, either. She can already hear her mother berating her for all the mistakes she has made in her marriage.

"Not too good," she says finally, her voice low. "We're--" She stops to sigh. "We're actually not even speaking right now, I don't think."

"Have things gotten that bad? What happened?"

Her past few visits to the hospital -- when Brent overheard her talking about blocking Molly from the room, when he refused even to answer her pleas later on -- flash through Sarah's mind and she feels that familiar stab of desperation.

"He's--" And suddenly it strikes Sarah that Paula must not know. She has no idea how, but clearly Molly nor Jason has said anything about her hiring the guard to keep Molly out of Brent's room.

The feeling of impending doom begins to relent, albeit tentatively. Could Molly really not have said anything? Jason, that makes sense -- Sarah expected that he would leave the matter to be resolved by the sisters. But Molly? Sarah was sure she would rush home and make a big to-do about Sarah's latest dreadful deed. She actually expected to be reamed out for it when she called to see if her parents could take Victoria for the weekend and, when it never came, she figured they were saving the reprimanding for an in-person encounter.

"I guess they have," she finally replies, hoping that her frenzied reaction has not been obvious enough to ruin this stroke of luck. "Brent won't speak to me at all."

"Oh, honey, I am so sorry," Paula says, moving in to embrace her daughter. "I wish this would have worked out for you--"

No sooner have Paula's arms settled around Sarah than are they forced off with the spring of a tennis ball hurled against a wall.

Confused, she meets Sarah's gaze, her arms still not fully retracted.

"Back off!" Sarah cries.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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