Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #222

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"Don't do this to yourself," Jason says. "You need to move on, for your own good. You need to stop holding out for a happy ending with Brent."

Molly doesn't look at her younger brother. She stares out at the sky, an unblemished blanket of brilliant blue.

"I'm not," she says finally.

Jason responds with a skeptical look -- not accusatory, just disbelieving.

"I swear!" Molly pulls her knees closer to her. Her movement wrinkles the towel on which they are resting, and she readjusts it as she attempts to funnel her thoughts into the right words.

"We both know that I have feelings for Brent, but that doesn't mean I expect to wind up with him. I realize what a strange situation this is," she says.

"Knowing and feeling are two very different things."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Just that ..." He stops to find the proper tone. He wants this to sound compassionate but still severe enough that Molly will take it seriously. "You say that you know it's a strange situation, and I believe that. But you admit that you have feelings for Brent, and from what I can tell, they're pretty serious feelings."

He pauses and sighs, hoping that maybe Molly will jump in and make this easier for him. No such luck.

"I'm just saying that if they're put against each other, one is gonna win out," he says. "And your heart or your gut or whatever it is -- it tends to beat out your brain when it comes to things like this, you know?"

"I know," she admits, gazing out now at Paula's garden across the yard. She can't bring herself to look at Jason.

They share the uncomfortable silence for a moment. Then Jason reaches out and places an arm around his sister. "I'm not trying to rub it in or accuse you of anything, Mol. I just think that ... I mean, I think a big part of the reason you haven't gotten involved with anyone else is 'cause of Brent, and I don't wanna see you stuck in a situation like that. I want you to be happy."

"... but you don't think I will be until I pull myself out of this mess."

"Yeah. Look, I understand how rough this must be, especially with how much you must care about him. But you've gotta let it go, for everyone's sake -- including your own."

"It'll be fine. I'll be fine," Molly assures him, although she is very much aware of the doubt that is clouding her mind like an unrelenting fog.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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