Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #213

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The front door closes with a rough bang in Molly's wake. She plows ahead into the living room and up the staircase.

She is about to whip around the corner at the top when she finds Jason mere inches in front of her.

"Whoa there," he says with a smile. "Would ya mind not running me over?"

A quick look at her face is all he needs to realize that joking isn't too appropriate right now.

"What's wrong, Mol? You look like--"

"Like I'm extremely pissed off?"

He hesitates, a little taken aback by the bite in her voice. "Uh, yeah, you could say that."

"Good, because I am." She begins forcing her way past him towards her room, but he stops her.

"Wait. What's the matter? Did something happen at work?"

"Work was fine."

"Then what is it?" It takes him just a moment more to complete the thought. "Did something happen with Brent?"

"Bingo. Or more accurately, something happened with his lovely wife."

"Sarah? What'd she do?"

"She may have topped herself this time," Molly says, practically spitting. "Listen to this: She hired a guard to keep me out of Brent's room. I'm not allowed to visit him anymore."


"Yeah. Apparently she thinks that if I'm not around Brent has a better chance of recovering. I take that to mean not having me around will give her a better chance to manipulate him into giving her a second chance."

Jason lifts an eyebrow. "I got the impression they were beyond second chances."

"They were. They are. But I wouldn't put anything past Sarah right now. She's in fine form." Molly shakes her head angrily. "This is it."


"This is the last straw. If it's a war she wants, she's got one."


What did you think of Sarah's stunt and Molly's reaction to it? How about the conversation with Nick and Katherine? Where do you think this situation with Claire and Diane is headed? Come and share your thoughts at the Message Forum!

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