Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #213

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"What?" Molly asks, a hint of aggression seeping into her voice.

"I can't let you go in there," the bulky man repeats.

"Why not?" Molly moves to peer in the window and the man turns as if expecting her to attempt some daring maneuver.

"I've been asked to keep you out of the room."

Molly tries to gaze through the window, but the shades have been pulled tightly. "What? Is Brent okay?"

"Mr. Taylor's fine," the man says.

"Then what is going on? Who told you not to let me in?" But she already knows the answer.

"Mrs. Taylor did."

Molly's eyes go wide. "What? She can't--"

"I can," Sarah says, stepping out of the room. She slides the door closed behind her. "I think it's in my husband's best interests for you to keep away from him."

Molly sputters for a moment as she tries to gather words. "How--what are you talking about?"

Sarah shrugs, as though this were a routine business decision. "It's not good to have you moping around, weeping all over him. It'll help his recovery if you're not in there all the time dragging him down."

"This is insane, Sarah!"

"No, it's very practical," Sarah says matter-of-factly.

"You can't do this!"

"Actually, I can. I am his wife, Molly, remember? I know you hate to be reminded of that, but it's true."

Molly grits her teeth. "I have more right than you to be in there--"

"Oh, no, you don't!" Sarah shakes her head. "Nope, Mol, you have no right at all to be in there if I feel that your presence will hinder my husband's recovery."

"Have you completely lost it?"

"On the contrary, I'm finally seeing clearly. I see what I have to do to make my marriage work. And that's keep you away from Brent."

Molly lets out a heavy breath, equal parts outrage and frustration. "This isn't what Brent would want!"

"Brent doesn't know what he wants right now. You've had him too confused. But once he wakes up, he won't have to worry about you, and he'll be able to focus on repairing our marriage."

"That's not going to happen."

"Just you watch. Brent and I will be together again." Sarah opens the door just a touch, preparing to slip back inside. She looks at the guard. "Don't let her in."

"I won't."

With that, Sarah disappears back into the room. Molly lingers by the door, but her eye meets the guard's and she knows that it is a lost cause for now. With a final sigh she heads back to the elevator.

Inside the room, Sarah leans her back against the door. Her lips tighten in a satisfied arc.

"Oh, Brent," she says softly, taking slow steps towards the bed, "come back to me. Please be okay so that we can finally have our second chance."

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven

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