Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #213

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Claire's hand rests on the back of the empty chair beside her. She stares straight across the table, never removing her gaze from the private pow-wow Diane is sharing with her lawyer. It isn't that she's trying to listen in on them -- not that it would take much effort, and they're not trying to conceal their conversation anyway. But she doesn't want them to have the satisfaction of even thinking they're intimidating her.

Claire's stomach turns as she watches Diane give her lawyer -- Eric Westin, as Claire moments ago learned is his name -- a sly grin. He is a young guy, probably not a day older than thirty, with striking dark hair and a tan complexion. His face falls somewhere between boyishly cute and sophisticatedly handsome, and Claire has to admit that he is good-looking.

Clearly Diane thinks so, too, as she chuckles a little too boldly at something he says. Claire tries to refrain from rolling her eyes.

Thankfully, her lawyer, Jim Thompson, returns to the small conference room now. He takes a seat beside Claire as Diane and Eric straighten in their chairs and Eric organizes the papers in front of him one last time.

"I don't think there's any need to waste time here," Eric begins. "Ms. Bishop has a right to raise her daughter and would prefer to avoid a drawn-out custody suit."

Jim sees the flare of rage cross over Claire's face and he sends what he hopes will be a calming look her way. It works, at least for the moment.

"If you're asking Mrs. Fisher simply to turn over custody of Samantha--"

"She can have some visitation time," Eric says, as if it is the most generous gesture in the history of humankind.

Claire feels a sudden urge to reach across the oak table and smack the conceited grin off of his face. "You can't expect me to give up my daughter that easily--"

"She is my daughter," Diane cuts in.

"Biologically. But four weekends a year don't make a mother, Diane."

"I would spend more time with her if I were allowed to!"

"Ladies, please," Jim interrupts.

Eric props up his right elbow on the conference table and uses his hand to gesture as he speaks: "Ms. Bishop wants--deserves--full custody of her daughter, plain and simple. She is the biological mother and the weekends she has spent with Samantha have been absolutely free of incident. Mr. Fisher's passing was a tragedy, but it doesn't entitle his wife to maintain custody of his child with another woman, a woman who is more than willing to be a full-time parent."

"No!" Claire bursts out. Jim shoots her a warning glance but she ignores it. "Even the visitation time that Diane has now is pushing it! She may love Samantha, but she doesn't think with her head and she isn't capable of thinking of what's best for herself and for a child."

Diane narrows her eyes at Claire and the women lock angry gazes.

"Those are the kinds of things you have to prove, Mrs. Fisher," Eric says coolly. "Just because you consider yourself a good mother doesn't mean that my client is a bad or an undeserving one."

Claire smacks a hand down on the table. "She is undeserving! And I'm not going to allow my daughter to be raised by a person like that!"

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven

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