Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #211

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The door closes loudly and it snaps Molly into a different world -- cold, antiseptic, frightening. Brent lies motionless in the bed, bandages covering significant portions of his hands, face, and neck. Machines hum and buzz and beep routinely, offering no indication that much of anything is wrong but still managing to sound terrifying.

"Oh my God," she says, simply wanting to hear a voice. But her voice sounds strange, remote, unnatural, and it isn't at all comforting.

But she speaks again. "Brent," she says quietly, reaching out to brush his arm with the tips of her fingers.

She stands in shock, trying to comprehend how the Brent she knows can be the same man as the one in this bed. He looks so fragile now.

And I could have lost him without even knowing it.

The thought sends a surge of terror through her body.

Down the hallway, Sarah's fingers curl around the handle of the payphone. She listens to the ringing. One, two, three times ...

And then the click. Thank goodness. She doesn't think she could have taken it if there were no answer.

"Hello?" asks the voice on the other end.

"Hi," she says. "It's Sarah Taylor." She pauses, unable to keep a grin from curling the corners of her lips. "I've got a job for you."


What is Sarah up to? What did you think of the Claire/Ryan confrontation? And how about Bill and Paula's disagreement over their daughters? Come share your thoughts and predictions over at the Message Forum!

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