Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #211

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"You may be right," Bill says, caught in a mental bout of tug-of-war. "They've been close for a long time."

"I can't believe Molly would do this." Paula allows her hand to fall and slap the table. "I can't believe she would intrude on another couple's wedding vows like this -- and to do it to her own sister, of all people!"

Bill finishes the last gulp of coffee in his cup. "I don't think it's that simple. Sarah and Brent haven't had the most rock-solid marriage."

"No, but maybe that's because Molly has been involved!"

"That's an oversimplification," Bill counters. "Look at the way Sarah and Brent got married. They just up and eloped one night! That's a pretty good setup for problems, don't you think?"

"They did rush into it," Paula admits. "But then they renewed their vows. If either of them had been doubting the marriage, why would they have gone ahead with a second ceremony?"

Bill sighs heavily, thinking again that it just isn't that simple. "Maybe they didn't even realize there were problems yet. Or maybe they didn't want to recognize them. I'm just saying, their marriage never was that stable or conventional to begin with. They were practically separated during that whole period Sarah was in New York anyway--"

"She was working."

"True, but she was working with Matt. And then she slept with him, Paula. Don't forget that."

"But why would she put her marriage in jeopardy like that? Sarah wouldn't do something like that without a good reason."

"My point exactly! Things never were perfect between Sarah and Brent--"

"And I think it's because of Molly!" Paula interjects. "It certainly makes sense. Look at how close Molly and Brent were after the Craig fiasco -- especially while Sarah was in New York. We don't know how close they got, Bill. Maybe they gave Sarah a reason to--to do what she did."

"No." Bill shakes his head. "If Sarah had found out that something was going on between Molly and Brent, we would have heard about it. Would it even be possible for Sarah to keep something like that a secret?"

"I suppose not," Paula concedes, her intensity level dipping momentarily. "But Bill -- I saw the way Molly reacted when Sarah made that crack about Brent. There is something there. I'm sure of it."

"Paula ..." The name drifts off into a deep sigh. "There's always been this animosity between Sarah and Molly. They've always been at each other over one thing or another. Doesn't it make sense that when things got bad between Brent and Sarah and he leaned on his friendship with Molly, Sarah would get angry?"

"Yes! And she has every right to!" Paula shoots back. "Molly has no place interfering like this, even if it's as innocent as you claim. I don't care what you say ... There is absolutely no justification for Molly intruding in Sarah's marriage like this. It's--it's absolutely inexcusable!"

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One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven

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