Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #211

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"What do you suppose that was all about?" Paula asks, settling in at the kitchen table with her first cup of morning coffee.

"I wish I knew," Bill says, looking out through the dining room and into the living room, at the front door that just moments ago closed hurriedly in Molly's wake.

Paula pauses reflectively, resting her chin on the heel of her hand and absently gazing into the delicate cream-colored floral pattern that adorns the tablecloth. "I wish I had some idea about what's been going on with her lately."

"After last night, I think we may have some idea."

Sarah's outburst flashes on the screen of Paula's mind all over again, and again she feels that horrifying sensation of having the breath stolen from her lungs. "Do you really think ... Could Molly have feelings for Brent?" Paula asks slowly, discomfort staggering the words.

"I think it's possible," Bill admits with a bit less hesitation than his wife. "I think Sarah would have to have some reason for accusing Molly of something like that, don't you?" He waits for the signal of Paula's agreement and then continues: "But I also think that the situation is probably more complicated than we could really know."

"I spoke to Molly last night," Paula says, "after everyone left. I was cleaning up and she came in and--it was impossible to ignore what had happened at dinner. God knows part of me would have liked to, but ... it was there."

"And what did Molly have to say?"

"Not very much. She practically ran back upstairs after a few minutes. But at least we got the issue out on the table, which I suppose is a good thing."

"Did she have anything to say about what Sarah said?"

"She was defensive," Paula replies quickly. "Very defensive. She seems to think that Sarah is overreacting to her friendship with Brent because of the way their marriage is going."

"That seems reasonable enough, doesn't it?"

"Maybe. But there was something about the way she said it, Bill. Like she was trying to convince both of us -- herself as well as me." Paula lets out a deep breath through her nose and folds her hands on the table. "I really think that something is going on between Molly and Brent."

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven

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