Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #204

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"Ugh!" Claire groans, slamming the door. "That woman!"

"I can see why you've never spoken too fondly of her," Ryan says.

"I had forgotten what a pain in the ass she could be!" Claire pulls her fists together tightly. "She just ... she makes my blood boil!"

"I can tell."

Claire stares at the closed door, as if following Diane's exit path with her eyes. "I'm not letting her have Samantha. I'm not letting that woman raise my daughter."

Ryan is quiet for a long moment as he ponders the situation. Brushing his anxiety aside as best he can, he offers, "Don't worry about that. You're an excellent mother, Claire."

"But I'm not her biological mother. And her biological father is dead." She whips back around to Ryan, an intense flame burning suddenly within her. "And don't start with me again! Flattery and this--this fake sympathy -- they're not going to get you anywhere."

Ryan takes a step back, looking genuinely hurt. But instead of responding, he moves back in Claire's direction ... and goes around her, straight for the door. He opens it and then looks back at her.

"I'm sorry you have to go through all of this," he says. "And I'm sorry you can't accept me as being genuine. I know what you're doing and I'm not going to give you the chance to keep it up."

"Oh, you know what I'm doing, do you? And just what is that, exactly?"

He lets a heated second pass before he says, "You're pushing me away because you're looking for a bad guy, for someone to blame for all of this."

He casts another sad look at her before walking away from the apartment. With teeth gritted, Claire watches him leave, and she gazes out into the hallway after he is gone. And then, abruptly, she shoves the door closed again.

The moment it slams, she leans her back against it. Her teeth relax, her fists uncurl, but the tightness inside of her won't go away.

Tears begin to blur her vision as she lets herself sink down to the floor.


What did you think of Diane's return? What do you think the future holds for Claire? Share your thoughts over at the Message Forum!

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