Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #204

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"No. Sarah, you can't."

"Watch me," she says smugly. There is an element of delight in her expression that sends a shiver through Matt.

"This is not the right way to do this," he says. "All you're doing is trying to hurt them because you got hurt."


He wants to roll his eyes, tell her how ridiculous she sounds, but he knows that reasoning will probably be more effective. "This isn't what you want." She opens her mouth in protest, but he cuts her off. "Not really. What you want is for Molly and Brent to not have these feelings for each other, but that ain't gonna happen."

"It will eventually. Just wait. Once Brent realizes how Molly's got him totally snookered, he'll wake up."

"Sarah ..."

"I need to do this," she says calmly. "I need to show that I'm not the bad guy here."

"No one's saying you are!"

"It's what they think. Both of them, they think that I'm the one who screwed up and that makes it okay for them to be so crazy for each other."

"No one said that--"

She throws up her hands. "They don't have to say it! It's just what they think."

"Don't be melodramatic."

"I'm not!" She takes a step back and a new aggression settles over her face. "What, are you on their side now?"

"No! Of course not!" Matt steps forward to close the gap between them. "I just don't want you to do anything that'd make things worse."

"The damage has already been done, don't you think? All I'm trying to do is show them that I'm not going to take anymore of this."

Matt lets out a very heavy sigh. "You can't take out your anger on Molly like that."

"Sure I can. She did this, and now she's going to pay."

"Listen to yourself! Who are you, The Joker?"

"This isn't funny, Matt." She reaches to take Victoria from him, and he reluctantly lets her.

"It's not like Molly is the only one to blame here," he says. "You had a part in this whole thing -- so did I. We made a mistake."

"And they pushed us to it! I know it wasn't my smartest decision, but I wasn't exactly thinking clearly. She couldn't keep her hands off Brent for two seconds while you and I were in New York."

"I'm just saying ... This isn't something you should do lightly. It's gonna totally change everything. Do you wanna do that to your sister? It's not like she's some chick you don't know."

"No, unfortunately, I've had the displeasure for many, many years."

"Don't make things worse. Just give Brent the divorce and move on." She starts to roll her eyes and he catches her. "Sarah, I'm serious."

"So am I. I'm not letting Molly get away with this."

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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