Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #204

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"Hello, Claire," coos Diane Bishop.

"Diane," Claire says, clearly rattled.

Diane is quiet for a moment, as if waiting for Claire to make a gesture. When it doesn't happen, she takes the initiative. "Give her to me."


"My daughter. Give her to me."

"Diane--" Claire pauses for a heavy breath. "Samantha is asleep right now."

"So what? She can sleep plenty when she's back at the hotel with me. Besides, I'm sure she'll be thrilled to see her mommy."

Even though Claire knows Diane has every right to refer to herself that way, it still irks her. Maybe unsettles her a bit. She tries to brush off the feeling. "Look, she went down for a nap not that long ago, and Travis is sleeping, too. You're not going in there and waking them up."

"I think I'm entitled to see my daughter."

"Actually," Claire says, stepping up and trying to match Diane's attitude, "according to the custody arrangement, you get four pre-planned weekends per year. I don't recall any pre-planning for this."

Diane narrows her eyes. "I don't think that custody arrangement would exactly hold up right now, do you?"

Claire holds herself together and opts for a mere lift of her shoulders.

"Come on," Diane pushes. "Let me take her. If you're nice, I might even let you keep seeing her once I get custody."

The comment knocks the wind out of Claire. She is stricken silent.

"I'm just gonna grab Samantha and I'll be out of here in a jif, okay?" Diane says, entering the apartment.

Claire's face is filled with enraged protest, but she cannot summon the words to express it. Diane forces her way past Claire.

And that's when Ryan steps out to block her way.

"Hold it," he orders.

"Well, well," Diane says with an obvious hint of amusement. "What have we here?"

"I want you to leave," Claire says forcefully. "If you want to see Samantha, call me and we can work out a time."

The words hang between them for an excruciating moment, but finally Diane slinks back to the door.

"Fine," she says. "I'll go. But you're gonna be hearing from me, and real soon."

She walks through the door, never removing her gaze from Claire. Once outside, she pauses and casts a glance over at Ryan.

"I guess I can see why you want me to leave," Diane says, pursing her bright red lips and raising her eyebrows suggestively. "Didn't take you long at all, did it, Claire?" And she strolls off.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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