Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #200

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"What's she doing here?" Sarah demands, never removing her stony stare from Molly.

"Nothing," Brent says. "Sarah--"

"What, Molly, did you come over to try and get your hooks into Brent yet again?" Sarah spits.

"I just came over to talk," Molly says.

"Oh yeah?" Sarah's eyes narrow with anger. "So by 'talk,' do you mean you came over to have Brent rescue you from another horrible predicament?"

Molly holds up her hands. "Just to talk. We're friends, Sarah."

"I realize that. Believe me, I realize that. How could I forget when I'm reminded every time I see either one of you? You like spending time together, I get it already--"

"Stop!" Brent interrupts. "Cut it out, Sarah. If you want to talk about the divorce, then fine, but stop it with this."

"It's not like it isn't all related!" Sarah fires back. "We all know exactly why this is happening!"

Brent shoots her a menacing look. "I mean it. Cut it out--"

"No!" Sarah screams. "I won't cut it out. I am through pretending that there isn't a very good reason this is all happening!"

Neither Brent nor Molly says anything this time, although Sarah can tell that protests are waiting hesitantly on the tips of their tongues.

She beats them to the punch. "Let's just put an end to this once and for all. Just admit it, Molly. Admit that you're the reason this is happening. Admit that you're in love with my husband!"


So there it is! What did you think? Where do you hope things will go from here? Share your thoughts over at the Message Forum!

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