Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #200

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"I don't know if I liked that," Lauren says as she exits the theatre, grasping onto Alex's arm.

"Yeah, it was kinda weird," Courtney agrees.

"It was great!" Jason says, tossing his arm around Courtney as they walk. "You just didn't like it because of your whole blood thing."

"It wasn't that bloody," Alex says.

Jason looks back at Alex and Lauren, who are walking just behind him and Courtney. "The sight of blood makes her puke."

"You know, as much as she says that, I won't believe it 'til I see it happen," Lauren chimes in.

Courtney lifts her eyebrows. "Don't push your luck."

The foursome is quiet for the remaining few yards to the cars. When they get there, Jason moves to the driver's side door of his, while the others linger around.

"So what are we doing now?" Jason asks.

"I dunno," Courtney says. "Maybe ..."

Lauren signals to her with a look.

"What?" Court asks.

Lauren motions with her index finger for her to come closer. Courtney does, and Lauren playfully pushes Alex away.

He and Jason stand near the car, waiting, as Lauren whispers something in Courtney's ear. Neither of the young men looks at each other, except for the occasional stolen glance that lasts only a fraction of a second.

After what feels to both Alex and Jason to be far too long, the girls divide. Lauren takes Alex's arm and leads him to the other car.

"So what's going on?" Jason asks.

"We're gonna split up," Courtney says. "Just go hang out or whatever."

Goodbyes are exchanged as Jason and Courtney get into one car, and Alex and Lauren into the other.

Jason puts the key in the ignition but doesn't turn it. Courtney fastens her seatbelt, but Jason simply sits still, watching Alex's car pull away.

"Are we gonna go?" Courtney finally asks.

"Yeah," Jason says absently.

Unphased, Courtney goes on. "Lauren just wanted some time alone with Alex, so I figured this was the best thing to do. Besides, it couldn't hurt to have some time to ourselves either, huh?"

Jason manages an uncomfortable shake of the head. But now it is too much, and Courtney can tell something is wrong.

"What is it?" she asks.

His instinct is to say "nothing" and brush it off, but he doesn't. He says slowly, "I think ... maybe it's not such a good idea to be encouraging this thing between Lauren and Alex."

"Why not?" Courtney persists.

Words toy with Jason's lips, with his tongue, and a moment of stuttering passes before he can manage to say, "It's been too--too back and forth. I--I just don't think that they can be ... stable."

"I think they can."

"No, you hope they can."

A look of annoyance -- slightly crinkled nose, partially gaping mouth -- settles on Courtney's face. "Don't you want Lauren and Alex to be happy?"

"Yeah," Jason says. "Yeah, of course. But maybe this isn't the best way, that's all."

"What is going on with you?" she demands.

"Nothing," he says after a slight hesitation. "Forget it."

"No! There's something you're not telling me. What is it?"

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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