Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #200

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Jason doesn't speak. He starts the car and begins fiddling with the CD player.

"What's going on?" Courtney asks. "What's gotten into you?"

"I told you, it's nothing!" he replies without looking up at her. He begins to back the car out of the parking space.

"It obviously isn't nothing, if you were making such a big deal out of it two seconds ago!" she persists.

His head snaps back to face her. "I just don't think it's a good match, okay?"

"But why? Jason, just 'cause they had trouble getting their act together at the beginning doesn't mean they shouldn't have a shot at making this work. Remember how long it took us to get on the same page when we were getting together?"

Jason's gaze remains fixed on the road ahead. "That was different. Shannon was manipulating both of us."

His point does seem to phase Courtney, who takes a moment longer than would otherwise be necessary to respond. "Some people have trouble without outside interference."

"Exactly! And I just think Alex and Lauren are--they have different issues and those are gonna clash. That's why this has taken so long already."

"What issues? They're not exactly basketcases, Jason!"

"Just--" He lets out a frustrated sigh, his teeth gritted. "Trust me on this, okay?"

"Not unless you give me an actual reason to!"

"Court, I--I can't. I'm just saying, please believe me."

"What is going on with you?" When he doesn't say anything, she spits, "Just take me home!"

"No, this isn't--"

"Take me home. I don't want to be around you right now."

Jason glances at her again. She has her arms folded in front of her and her face pulled into a scowl. His lips twitch as if to speak, but nothing comes out.

"Take me home," she orders firmly.

Jason doesn't even protest. He clamps his hands down a little harder on the steering wheel and keeps driving.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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