This is so strange. I'm sitting here
with my family, like I was so used to for so long ... but everything is
completely different. Tim's not here with us. Brent is sitting next to
me, but it's like he's just there. And I feel completely separated
from all of them.
I've been feeling it for a long time,
maybe since Mom told Tim, Molly, and Jason about her other son without
including me. And then they didn't even call me when they found out about
Tim ... It's like they don't consider me as much a part of the family as
the rest of them.
Poor Claire. And those poor kids.
They'll be so lost without Tim. I guess I will be, too, in a way. I just
wish I'd spent more time with him lately. You really don't realize how
much you've taken something for granted until it's gone.
One .
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Three .
Four .
Five .
Six .
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Around King's Bay .