Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #195

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Vanessa Marcil as Molly Fisher

I keep having this dream. I remember a time when Tim and I were riding our bikes -- we were pretty young, we must've been, because Sarah was too little to come ride with us -- and he was going too fast for me. I tried to keep up and I yelled at him to slow down, but he just kept going. And I just kept thinking, what if he gets too far away ... ?

That's where I wake up. Almost every night for the last few weeks, I wake up panicked, desperate to keep up but knowing that I'm losing him. Because that's exactly what's happened: He's out of sight, he went too fast, I couldn't keep up. I've lost him and there's no way for me to catch back up, not anymore.

My big brother is gone. Even with all this time I've had to absorb it, it still seems surreal. I just want him to come back. I want to be able to goof off and to remember the tricks we played on Jason and Sarah and to just know that he's there. But I can't catch him anymore.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven

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