Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #193

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The family has moved away from the front door and has scattered around the living room. Paula and Molly sit at opposite ends of the sofa; Bill is seated on the edge of an armchair; Jason is leaning against the mantle. Claire has gone upstairs to see the children.

The doorbell's chime breaks the eerie silence that has consumed them. Immediately Paula is on her feet, headed for the door. She yanks it open anxiously.

"What's going on?" asks a rain-drenched Sarah as she bursts into the house. She catches sight of the somber scene in the living room. "Brent called and told me to come over here. What's going on?"

"Oh, honey," Paula says, placing a hand on Sarah's shoulder. "There's been ..." Tears choke her.

"It's Tim," Bill says.

Sarah hurries closer. "What happened?"

"He ..." Bill drops his head and shakes it. "There was an accident."

"Accident? What--"

"Tim was shot," Paula says.

Sarah's breath can be heard catching in her throat. "What?"

"They couldn't find him," her mother continues. "No one saw him after midnight last night. They think he was shot and fell into the bay."

"Oh my God ..." Sarah's eyes go wide, and she scans the room as if to reassure herself that the rest of the family is still here.

She surveys the room again with another slow sweep of her head. The reactions she sees from the others tell her what she thinks she has just been told: That her older brother is gone.

Paula moves to draw Sarah into a hug, but Sarah shifts away from her. She turns her back to the family.

"I know this is a shock," Paula says, "but--"

"How come no one called me?" Sarah asks with a hint of disbelief, keeping her back to them.

"Claire just came by--"

"Brent knew!" Sarah exclaims, whipping around.

Bill stands. "Claire had asked him to look for Tim. He was the first one to find out. He told Claire and she came over here to tell us."

"And no one thought of calling me to be here once you found out?" Sarah shakes her head. "God, I don't believe this ..."

Everyone else is silent. Sarah again turns her back to them. She can't leave, not now -- especially now. But the family remains this way, together but so horribly fractured, as their newborn grief takes hold and draws their suddenly fragile minds into torturous, silent reflection.


Were you expecting this to be Tim's fate? How do you think the Fishers, individually and as a whole, will be affected by their loss? Share your thoughts at the Message Forum!

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