Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #193

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The restaurant is packed tonight with couples and families too worn out from the previous night to make any effort at cooking. The main dining area is abuzz with conversation and laughter. Lauren sits alone at a small table in the middle of it all, fiddling with the corner of her menu as she tries to make her eyes scan the selections, even though she knows the fare here quite well.

She looks up again, for what must be the millionth time in the past five minutes. Only this time, she sees what she is looking for.

"Hel-lo," she says, greeting Alex melodically.

He smiles, creasing his dimples and unknowingly giving Lauren another chance to appreciate
them. "Hey."

He sits down across the table from her and immediately picks up his menu.

"I am so exhausted from last night," she says. "We weren't even up that late, but New Year's Eve always seems to wear me out."

"It's just 'cause of all the excitement," Alex says, almost immediately cursing himself for
leading the conversation in that direction.

"Yeah," she agrees. Before she can open her mouth to say anything more, their waiter arrives and takes their drink orders.

When he is gone, Lauren continues, "Did you have a good time last night?"

After a short pause, one filled with rapid thought, Alex replies, "Yeah, I did."

"Good," she grins. "I'd hate to be known as a bad date."

"You're nothing of the sort."

They lapse into a moment of quiet. Alex casts his eyes down, trying somehow to remove himself from this situation. If he could just be anywhere but here ...

But he is here. He can feel Lauren's gaze targeting him, and he can feel the pressures of what happened last night bearing down upon them.

"About last night," he begins, giving himself the mental kick in the butt that he knows he needs to do what he has to do.

"Let's just get this all straightened out," Lauren says. "At this point, I'd rather just know where we stand rather than have it go where ... I think we both know where I want it to go. Did that make any sense?"

"Yeah, it did. And you deserve to have everything cleared up." He draws a deep breath and releases it slowly, folding his hands on the table in front of him. "That's why there's ... something I need to tell you."

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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