Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #231

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"Thank you, Mr. Thompson," says the judge, a middle-aged lady whose compassionate voice and kind smile keep sparking jolts of hope in Claire.

"We'll have a short recess now while I consider what I've just heard and come to a decision," the judge announces. Claire rises mechanically when everyone else does, and they watch the judge file out of the courtroom.

"What'd you think?" Diane says to Eric almost as soon as the judge disappears. "How'd they do?"

"He made a strong case," Eric says with a slight shrug. That fact doesn't appear to worry him much.

"I thought you sounded better. He spent a lot of time trying to fight what we said."

"Yeah. Of course, Claire is the one being challenged for custody, so she's more on the defensive than we are."

Diane leans back in her chair, soaking up what he has said, and then suddenly rockets forward again. "Do you think I'm gonna win?"

"I'm not the judge," Eric says defensively, as if washing his hands of the matter by trying to show that there is nothing he can do about it.

A wistful look sweeps over Diane. "It'll be so nice to have my daughter back with me ... I've waited so long for this."

Before Eric can respond, her look turns devious. "And besides, you know you'll be amply rewarded, right?"

Eric accepts the promise with an uneasy grin. "I do know that much."

"Good, you're getting to know me well." Diane runs a teasing finger down his cheek.

"Don't worry," he says after a flash of strange silence. He leans forward, his elbows propped up on the table and his chin resting in his hands. "Things are going to turn out for the best today."

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven

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