Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #231

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The door flies open in front of Jason with a rush of excitement, and for a moment he sees the same energy on the other side of the door. But the sparkle fades quickly from Sally's face and, with decided disinterest, she flashes him another look and calls out, "Alex!"

Not wanting to make eye contact with Sally and be caught in an awkward moment with her, Jason watches over her shoulder for Alex to emerge from his bedroom. It takes only a few seconds, thankfully.

"Hey," Alex says as he approaches Jason. Sally has already retreated back into the living room area.

"Hey," Jason responds. "How you doing?"

"Not bad," Alex shrugs quietly.

Jason motions for him to lean in and whispers, "Hey, is something up with your mom? She seemed awfully ..."

"Rude?" Alex cuts in, in a matching whisper. "She's waiting for her new boyfriend to show up. Don't mind her."

"Ah." Jason moves back to a regular distance and his voice resumes its regular volume. "So, uh, you wanted to talk?"

"Yeah, thanks for coming over. I was just thinking -- I've been doing a lot of that lately -- I was thinking about everything, and about what you said the other day. That if I wanted to talk about stuff--"

"I meant it, dude. I'm here to listen."

"Thanks," Alex says, pausing for perhaps a moment too long in appreciation. "You wanna go over to the park? Might be better than hanging around here."

Jason casts a glance over at Sally, sitting in front of the television. "Yeah, that sounds good."

"All right, let's go." Alex grabs a fleece coat off of one of the hooks beside the door.

The young men barely make it out of the doorway when they nearly walk right into an older man. His face has a roughness that would seem out of place with his silver hair, except that it has taken on more of a dull gray tint.

"You must be here to see my mom," Alex says. He tips his head toward the apartment. "She's inside."

"Thanks," the man says, a bit gruffly.

"I'm Alex." He extends his hand for a shake.

The older man meets the gesture with his own rough hand and a tighter grip than Alex expected. "Stan. Stan Lincoln."

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven

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