Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #230

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"I'm sorry to hear that," Bill says. "For Victoria's sake, and for Sarah's."

"Yeah." Matt shrugs, making it clear that although he agrees with Bill, he does not intend to cave to those interests anymore. "I warned her, I did, but she just pushed too hard. She took it too far."

His voice sadder now, Bill asks, "What finally happened? Do you think there's any way you two can get past this?"

The words are nearly out of Matt's mouth before he realizes what is going on. Bill doesn't know about the scheme Sarah arranged at the hospital. How could he not? Did Sarah and Molly actually keep quiet about it? The possibility intrigues him. "She, uh ... It's this whole Brent thing. She refuses to let go, no matter how many times I tell her it's not healthy. She's totally obsessed with him and she's gotten to the point where she hates her sister over it."

"I know." Bill lets out a heavy sigh. It sounds like a sign of defeat, like he is finally being forced to give in to a reality that he would really prefer not to acknowledge. "And it worries me even more to think that she's just about going it alone right now."

"Yeah," Matt says again, and then he turns his attention back to the almost-forgotten vegetables. He gives them another flip and then moves them out of the pan and onto a plate.

"I wanna be there for her, I really do," he says, his focus down on the plate. "I just don't think I can take much more of this whole thing with her and Brent and Molly. She has to let go -- if she can't do that, then there isn't much anyone can do for her."

"You're absolutely right."

Matt picks up a dishtowel and winds it up with his hands, his gaze fixed forward and very contemplative. "I wish she could understand how bad she needs to get over this thing. She could be so much more than this clingy almost-ex-wife who's angry with the world ... I know she can. I've seen it before."

Bill folds his arms and stands back, observing as Matt speaks. It hardly seems as though Matt is addressing Bill now: He is talking more to himself, vocalizing ideas that Bill is sure have been dormant -- or perhaps very alive -- inside him for quite some time.

"Hang in there," Bill offers knowingly, with a pat on the shoulder. "She's going to come out of this. I know this has to be hard on you. But if you're patient ... Well, just don't do something you'll regret."

He gives Matt's shoulder a squeeze and then walks off to attend to other business. Matt puts down the dishtowel and leans against the counter, his gaze unwavering.

"Don't do something you'll regret ..."

But right now, none of his options seem to be without that possibility.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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