Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #230

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"There's nothing to worry about," Eric says, leaning over to Diane and practically whispering. Even so, the low volume of his voice sounds like an affront to the still quiet of the small courtroom.

There are a few official-looking people moving about towards the head of the room, getting things in order for the hearing that is set to begin in a matter of moments, but for the most part the room is dead. Diane and Eric are seated behind one desk, Claire and her lawyer Jim at another. The judge's bench sits before them, empty and yet still so ominous.

"I hope so," Diane whispers back to him. "I feel like I'm locked in a friggin' box. When is this thing gonna start?"

"Give it a few minutes."

"You told me it would be a few minutes a few minutes ago. I'm dying of anxiety here. Would it kill anyone to be a little more expeditious?"

"Probably," Eric intones, glancing at his watch. "But don't worry too much. We have a very strong case. And besides, it's only a preliminary hearing. All that's being decided today is what happens to Samantha from now until the time of the official proceedings."

"Yeah, but it's not like it isn't important," Diane says. She leans closer to him so that she can keep her voice down, and as she turns her head slightly, she finds her lips just inches from his. The urge to make a move for them is almost overwhelming. "Besides, if we win today, we get to go home and celebrate, right?"

The comment clearly makes Eric uncomfortable in this setting, but he agrees with a quick nod anyway. "Right."

Diane responds with a tiny laugh and a pair of raised eyebrows.

From her seat on the other side of the room, Claire makes a face. "Jeez," she mutters.

Jim leans over to her. "What?"

"She's making eyes at her lawyer. I swear, someone ought to get that woman fixed."

Though he can't help but be amused, Jim manages to maintain a relatively straight face. "Just calm down, Claire. The last thing you need is to look irrational or jealous."

"You're right," Claire agrees, straightening herself in her chair.

In an instant, the quiet of the room is broken and the tension multiplied tenfold. "Please rise for the honorable ..." comes the call from the front of the room.

Diane shoots a glance over at Claire and notices that it is met. Let the games begin.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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