Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #226

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"Because I do want to see him," Ryan says as his gaze dips to the countertop. "I just wish he would put some actual effort into it."

"Haven't you learned yet that he's not going to? He's not capable of it." Nick picks up the coffee cup and moves to the stool beside Ryan. "You have to give up on this fantasy of him being a good father, Ryan. It's never going to happen."

Ryan doesn't say anything. He picks up the martini glass and rolls its stem between his fingers.

"He did come find me," he says finally, insistently. "He wanted to know what had happened to his son."

"Maybe ..."

Ryan shakes his head and looks away, staring across the kitchen. "He does want to be a good father."

"Wants to, maybe. Capable of? I highly doubt it." Nick places a firm hand on Ryan's shoulder. "Ryan, you know what he did to Claire. It's a fact. It's not something you can forget about."

"Yeah, I know. I've tried."

"For too long. It's only made the situation worse." Nick inhales deeply. If Ryan were looking at him, he would see his face becoming inflamed with anger. "If I had known about what happened with Claire -- or that you kept in touch with him in secret all of those years -- I don't know what I would have done ..."

"He was drunk when that happened. He doesn't even remember it."

"That doesn't make him innocent!"

"No, of course not. But ... he has problems. He can't handle pressure."

"He can't live like a civilized human being!"

"Dad!" Ryan cuts in, suddenly forceful. "He tries. I can't just write him off. He's my father."

"So am I -- and I'm here for you." Nick allows a moment of silence for the words to sink in. "He ruined your chances with Claire, Ryan. You have given him second chance after second chance and no good has ever come of it. It's time to let go before this goes too far."

He takes Ryan's lack of a response as defiance and adds: "I'm not going to let him hurt you. And I'm not letting him interfere with our success. I don't want him in the way."

Ryan remains speechless. Nick stands, finishes the coffee, and deposits the cup in the dishwasher without another word.

He returns upstairs, leaving Ryan in the dark kitchen, listening to the house creak around him.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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