Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #226

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"Are they doing what I think they're doing?" Courtney asks, sounding both concerned and a little amused.

Jason has no idea how she can even think of humor at a time like this. The party -- the black lights, the booming music, the drinks, all the people -- fades away around him as he watches Lauren and Alex heading up the stairs, hand in hand.

"What is he doing?" Jason mutters, trying very hard to shake off the buzz from the alcohol.

"They're working things out," Courtney says. "This is turning into a pattern for them or something."

He turns to her, absolutely appalled, knowing that it is showing in his own mouth and widened eyes. Suddenly he can see the effects of the night's drinking in her face.

He darts out of her grasp. "I need to go stop them."

"What? No, Jason, stop--" She grabs him again, roughly, by the arm. "Leave them alone!"

"I can't! They're about to--Courtney, this is a huge mistake."

"Leave them alone!" she cries, her voice leaping in intensity.

"No! I need to stop them." He pulls away from her again and begins forcing his way through the crowd, hardly even aware of the people he is pushing aside.

"Jason!" He hears the call, faintly from behind him, blurred by the music and the talking and the alcohol.

He doesn't even acknowledge it.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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