Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #224

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"Hey, are you even gonna try to have fun tonight?"

The voice rattles Alex. He turns sharply and finds Jason standing to his left, a Corona bottle in his right hand.

"I am," Alex says, though even to his own ears it sounds horribly unconvincing. "I'm just sorta trying to chill tonight, you know?"

"You've been doing an awful lot of 'chilling' lately, dude. C'mon, party it up a little! Go a little nuts tonight."

Alex's discomfort becomes immediately apparent.

Jason leans in closer, wanting to lower his voice but not able to do so very much thanks to the music. "How've you been? I mean, the last time I saw you--"

"I've been okay," Alex says with a shrug. "Thinking a lot, I guess."

"Yeah?" Jason's lips curl around the tip of the beer bottle as he takes a swig. Alex tries not to focus on it but finds himself unable to do so. It does seem to him, though, that Jay is trying to figure out what to say next.

"Have you figured anything out?" he asks finally. "Like ... I don't know ... You feeling any better about this whole thing?"

"Kinda. I mean, it's like I've gotta figure out my whole life now or something--"

"Huh? I can't hear you!"

Alex moves in closer to repeat himself, and he feels an electrifying tingle as he speaks, his lips just inches away from brushing against Jason's ear. "I was saying, it's kinda like I have to figure out my whole life now -- like I've gotta make these huge decisions about who I wanna be and stuff."

"Yeah, I can imagine," Jason nods. "Look, bro, I'm behind you 100 percent, like I said before. If you wanna talk or just have someone to hang out with or whatever, I'm totally here." He gives Alex's shoulder a squeeze.

The touch sends that same thrill through Alex again. He can remember the feel of Jason's hands on him that night ... almost two years ago now. For that instant, everything was right. Everything was going to turn out perfectly.

And then it all got shot to hell, of course. But the unbelievable sensations of that moment -- the sensations he had thought he would never feel again -- have stayed with Alex, and he's called on them more times than he can even remember. If only that feeling would stay. If only ...

He looks up at Jason, meeting his eyes -- so supportive, dazzling with kindness and intelligence and that crazy spark of humor. That's everything I want.

He's everything I want.

And suddenly, that long-ago night and that perfect moment don't feel so far away anymore.

Alex swallows hard and reaches his hand up to touch Jason's cheek.


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