Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #224

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"Hey, Alex!" a girl he recognizes from some other party calls out as she dances past him. For a moment Alex leans off of the wall, thinking that she's going to stop and make small talk. Thankfully, she keeps going.

He moves his head and shoulders slightly to the music, keeping with the beat without making too much of a spectacle of himself. He tosses back another slug of his drink and shakes the plastic cup to check how much he has left.

He settles his weight back against the wall and takes in the scene all around him. Bobbing bodies, grinding couples, drinks everywhere ... Somehow he feels removed from it all. But maybe that's just because it's been so long since he got out.

Truthfully, he is glad that Jason talked him into coming, even though he feels a bit awkward right now. He knows that it's good to get out and socialize and do stuff ... and he has missed it. It just hasn't felt like the right thing to do in so long.

He isn't even sure that it feels like the right thing now. He's not even sure why he came -- except that when Jason got on the phone, he couldn't say no. He knew he couldn't from the moment that Jason spoke.

This has to stop. He knows it has to. And he thought it had -- at least, he hoped that all this time apart from the others would help. But it didn't, he can tell that much. Not one bit.

You have to stop this, his mind warns him, and he feels the same old battle revving up inside himself.

And he knows that despite every warning his mind might issue, he still won't listen.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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