Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #223

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He's done this a million times before, ever since he was a little boy, but something about it feels very different right now.

Jason pauses, his finger lingering over the Chases' doorbell. This shouldn't be any different ... but it is. The idea of facing Don and Helen seems a little strange, after what he shared with their daughter the other night. Not that they necessarily know -- or that they didn't think it had happened already -- but he knows it did.

His finger punches at the doorbell and he hears the chime on the other side of the door. A quick moment passes before he hears shoes clicking on the wooden floor of the entryway.

"Hey, you," Courtney says with a smile as she answers the door.

"Hey, hey," Jason says, leaning in to kiss her on the cheek. His lips feel a surge of electricity that pulls him back to that night at the hotel and his smile widens.

"What do you think of the outfit?" She does a turn, arms in the air, to show off the ensemble. She is wearing a pair of tightly fitting black pants and a light blue halter top. Her dark hair, a little bit of a curl added to the ends, is tumbling down over her tan shoulders. Jason can see traces of body glitter on her shoulders, back, and arms.

"Two thumbs up," Jason says after taking a few seconds to evaluate. "Two thumbs very high up."

He continues to drink in the sight of her, but eventually pulls his attention away enough to clap his hands together. "All right, you ready to go? We've got a party to hit."

"Mmm ..." The change in her demeanor is obvious. "Not quite."

"What do you mean?"

Her front teeth bite down on her lower lip. "Um, we sort of have a giant problem."

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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