Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #220

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Suddenly Molly's mocha seems to hold some incredible interest: Her attention is focused firmly upon the steaming chocolate pool.

Danielle waits, allowing Molly time to gather herself, but finally she has to speak. "Molly?"

Molly continues staring into the cup and then looks up abruptly. "Sorry. I--It's just strange to talk about this."

"I can imagine. But Molly ..."

"I know, it's not like it's a big secret anyway, I guess." She draws in a deep breath, letting the mocha's steam fill her head. "I do have feelings for Brent. Very deep feelings. If we'd met under different circumstances ..."

"Mol." Danielle rests a comforting hand on her friend's forearm. "This has to be hard for you. But I'm glad you can at least admit your feelings, and I know you're not out to cause trouble."

"No, I'm not. And the way I feel about him ... a lot of that is--it's based in friendship. Brent is probably the best friend I've ever had. That's what's most important to me."

"Good. This is just such sensitive ground. At least you understand that."

"Of course I do." Molly's eyes return to the coffee and she takes a deep sip before she speaks again. "I know that Sarah has been hurt. I'm not excusing anything she's done, but this must be hard for her." She pauses for a moment of deliberation. "Although it would help if she didn't react to everything so melodramatically."

Danielle shrugs noncommittally, reminding herself not to take one side over the other. "Has it always been like that?"

Molly hardly needs to consider her answer but she waits, thinking, anyway. "Sarah and I have never really gotten along. We bickered when we were kids and it just got worse as we got older. Since we're so close in age, we were always doing the same things at the same time. I think she resents the fact that our parents were always comparing us, especially because she's the younger one and she felt like she had to meet their expectations or something."

With a nod, Danielle adds, "I don't know if this was just because Sarah suspected there was ... something between you and Brent, but even when I was living here, I remember her being pretty hostile towards you."

"She was. She always has been." Molly throws an arm over the back of the couch and rests her head on it. "This feels like a battle that's been going on for years. I get the feeling that this is where it all comes to a head."

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