Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #220

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Jason's silence sucks all the air out of the room. Courtney can feel her breathing getting tighter as her heart begins thudding against her chest.

"Jay, what's wrong?"

She hears him sigh heavily but he makes no move. She is about to reach out a hand and turn him herself when he finally begins to roll over.

"It's nothing," he says as he settles slowly onto his back.

"Which, loosely translated, means that it's something. So tell me what it is." When she sees him struggling to respond, she says, "After what we just shared--I don't want us to have to keep things from each other. Tell me what's wrong."

Jason stares up at the ceiling as he speaks, not risking the chance of eye contact. "What you said before about being glad you waited ... I was thinking how much I regret what happened with Shannon and me."

For Courtney, the barrier between them is broken completely now. She clasps his hand tightly in hers and strokes his fingers. "That doesn't matter. It was a completely different thing from what we just did."

"I know. I keep trying to separate the two in my head. But it's like the time with Shannon -- and don't get me wrong, this was just, like, incredible -- but the time with Shannon kinda tainted it. Because I didn't get to have that same experience you had of it being your first time ... I didn't get to share that with you."

"That is so sweet," she says with a soft smile. "And so un-guy-like. Have you been reading romance novels or something?"

He grins at the comment, although the effort feels like a bit much. "I dunno, maybe I'm just being stupid," he says finally.

"No, you're not. The fact that this matters to you, that it means so much to you that you want every little detail to be perfect--that just makes it better. But let it go, Jay. What happened with Shannon was just a big mess. I don't want that to have any bearing on our relationship now."

She can see his hesitance but he eventually assents. His body gives in to her touch and he rolls over onto his side so that he can stroke her hair.

"I love you so much. Thank you," he says, his lips turning up into just enough of a grin for his whole face to light up. Courtney finds herself wishing that she could capture the expression in a photograph and stare at it forever.

"I love you, too," she says after silently drinking him in for a moment. She feels his lips come down upon hers as his weight moves back on top of her.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven

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