Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #212

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There's no use lying and Claire knows it. "Yes," she says evenly.

"That helps make sense of a lot of this," Molly says. "Tim gave me that impression when he first told me about how Ryan had been hounding you, but I wasn't sure."

"It was a long time ago," Claire cuts in. "Back when we were teenagers. It ended badly, and ... I didn't see him until two years ago when he came to King's Bay."

"Has he been after you all this time to go back to him?"

"That's the strange part. When he first came back, all he wanted was friendship, or at least acceptance. He wanted me to tell him that I'd put the past behind me and think of him as a better person. But then he did kiss me, and I told him he'd gone too far. Now he's sort of back on the friendship thing."

"Is he really that obsessed with you?"

"Yeah," Claire says, but then she realizes the implications of that answer. "I mean, no. He's not obsessed, I don't think. He's just hung up. I think ... I don't know what I think. I know that I'm very important to Ryan, or at least the idea of me is."

Deeper concern washes over Molly's face. "Be careful, Claire. Maybe it's time to take some sort of action. This is ... It's kind of eerie. It almost reminds me of my situation with Craig. At least, Ryan's determination reminds me of the way Craig was determined to be with me."

"Ryan's not like that," Claire finds herself saying.

"You can't be certain of that ... can you?"

"No, I guess not. But I--I just know. Ryan isn't a danger to me." She sees Molly's skepticism. "Really, Molly. The situation is a lot more complicated than you know, probably more than I even know. But it's ... emotional. It's not psychotic."

A static moment passes before Molly seems to accept this. "All right," she says. "But if he tries anything funny -- please, let me know, let someone know."

"It's going to be fine. I can handle Ryan."

"That's what worries me."

Claire raises an eyebrow.

"You're very angry with him," Molly says. "You need to back off. Keep your distance from Ryan. Otherwise you might wind up doing something you regret."

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven

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