Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #212

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Molly scans the area around the nurses' station as she steps off the elevator. No sign of Claire.

She walks over to one of the windows to wait, reflecting back on the encounter she just had. So that's the infamous Ryan Moriani. Sure didn't seem quite as sleazy as I know he is.

She ponders the irony of Ryan attempting to sound like a concerned friend, unaware that she knew exactly who he was. But the thinking stops the moment she sees Claire come around the corner.

"Claire," she says loudly enough to get the other woman's attention.

"What are you doing back up here?" Claire asks, raising her eyes from the clipboard. "Is something wrong?"

"No. I mean, not really. Guess who I just ran into downstairs?"


"Ryan Moriani." Molly says the name as if she's delivering important news and seems a little disappointed that Claire hardly reacts at all.

"I know," Claire says. "He came up here to ask about Brent. How'd you know it was him?"

"I was in the room and he was standing outside, so I introduced myself and he did the same."

"Charming, isn't he?" Claire rolls her eyes.

"Not exactly the sociopath with wild hair and gleaming eyes I was expecting," Molly admits, "although he was just oozing that fake charisma."

"It's not fake. That's part of the problem." Claire sighs and then adds, "He gets it from his--from Nick."

"I just figured I would give you a heads-up. But if you've dealt with him already today, then that's one less thing we need to worry about."

"Yeah." Claire pauses. "He came up for his daily dose of harassment. Wouldn't surprise me if that was his sole reason for coming here, actually. Brent just provided a handy excuse."

"He's still bothering you? I thought you said--"

"I keep running into him. It's not like he's creeping around outside my bedroom window."

"But he won't leave you alone?"

"We always find one thing or another to fight over," Claire says. "It's probably my fault as well as his. But I swear, he just makes my blood boil ..."

Molly is silent for a moment, watching Claire's face twist with some very aggressive emotion. "What happened between the two of you?" she finally asks. "What made you hate him so much?"

Claire draws in a deep breath. "Our fathers were friends, like you know. Now it's like he's carrying on his father's twisted legacy and he--it just infuriates me." By the final words she is almost tripping over her tongue.

"Is that it?" Molly hardly allows space for an answer. "I get the impression that there's something deeper going on."

Claire's eyes jump to Molly uncomfortably and then dart away. "What do you mean?"

"The way you talk about Ryan -- the way he's so fixated on you," Molly says. "Were the two of you ever involved romantically?"

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven

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