Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #208

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"What do you mean, again?" Katherine asks Brent.

"I--" Brent stops himself, realizing that he may have said too much. He tries to determine how much information he wants to share with Katherine -- and, by extension, maybe Nick -- in trying to help Andy.

"I don't know if you were ever fully apprised of the investigation that we conducted into your shooting last year," he says finally. He speaks slowly, clearly proceeding with care.

Katherine shakes her head slightly. "Not especially, no. I woke up so long after the actual incident -- all I was told was that the investigation hadn't turned up anything conclusive."

"That's true," Brent acknowledges. "But we had--we have--a strong focus throughout the investigation ... Your husband."

"What?" Katherine explodes. "That's insane! Nick was right there with me when it happened!"

"I'm not suggesting that he orchestrated anything. But what we've learned--" He pauses, choosing his path in a split-second. "What we've learned is that your husband's business dealings may have led to your shooting."

"Nonsense! This is absolute nonsense!" she cries, without the slightest hint of hesitation.

"It's not," Brent says, trying to maintain a professional calm. "We think that either he was the intended target, or you were shot as a warning to him."

"I'm not going to stand here and listen to this!" She whips around and begins storming out of the room.

"Mrs. Fitch, wait!"

Katherine stops at Maggie's call.

"I know that my place in all this is removed, at best," Maggie says. "But I was here on New Year's Eve when your son was racing to stop your wedding. And when you went through with it anyway -- I saw the way his heart broke. We stayed up the whole night and he told me all about how things had gone wrong and how he just wanted to fix his relationship with you."

She pauses, allowing the words to hit Katherine and trying to figure out what she is going to say next. It isn't hard: Thoughts are spilling out onto her tongue faster than she can make sense of them.

"I know that you must have deep feelings for your husband," she continues. "But from what he's told me, I can tell that you love your son very much. And I can tell that he loves you. That's why ..." She draws a deep breath and then exhales slowly. "I'm asking you to please, please listen to what Andy and Brent have to say. All Andy wants is to protect you and to see you happy."

Her shoulders drop as she concludes, as the tension of standing up to Katherine begins to fall away.

As for Katherine, she doesn't say anything in response. She simply turns and walks from the room, although this exit is a more somber one than the last attempt.

Andy, Brent, and Maggie stand in silence for a moment, and then Andy turns to Maggie.

"Thank you," he says. "I--You didn't have to do that."

"I just thought she had to hear it," Maggie shrugs, now a little bit embarrassed.

"Well, thank you." Andy slides an arm around her shoulders.

Maggie huddles closer to his body and then says, "I just hope it works."

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