Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #208

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Katherine tosses her head back in annoyance. "Oh, please! No more of this, Andrew."

"You're right," Andy says firmly. "There will be no more of this. Because I'm--we're--going to stop it right now." He looks back at Brent and Maggie for reassurance and they urge him onward with nods.

Katherine looks at him sideways, thrown by his steely determination.

"Please, Mrs. Fitch," Brent adds, "just listen to what your son has to say."

She hardens, ready to shoot Brent down, but holds herself back. She turns back to Andy, and though she won't give him the satisfaction of giving him the okay to continue, she is quiet long enough so that he gets the idea.

"I was doing some banking and I noticed that you transferred a significant amount of money out of one of the accounts," he says. "That interested me enough to make me look into where it had gone--"

"That's none of your business!" Katherine snaps.

"Yes, it is. I know that you moved that money into a joint account with Nick."

"So what? He is my husband, Andrew! I know you may not like it, but the least you can do is have enough respect to keep your nose out of our affairs."

"Are you really not connecting the dots here, Mother? Hasn't it at least crossed your mind that Nick might, just might, be after your money?"

Katherine's lips flap soundlessly several times before something is actually able to push past the outrage. "That's ridiculous! How dare you--"

"It's not so ridiculous, Mrs. Fitch," Brent says calmly.

She turns sharply to him, her nostrils flaring. "What are you talking about?"

"Your husband -- I have reason to believe that he may be dangerous."


"Are you aware of his brushes with the law? Your husband has been under investigation a number of times in various jurisdictions, especially in the Chicago area."

"Under investigation? For what?" The outrage is still detectable in Katherine's voice, but it is quickly giving way to something else.

"A number of things," Brent says, injecting a touch of compassion into his professional tone. "Gambling, prostitution, drugs ... all of that."

"He's--he's been convicted?"

"Well--" Brent breaks momentarily. "No, he hasn't. But I believe that's more a matter of luck on his part than innocence."

He can see Katherine fumbling for a response. Devastation is scrawled all over her face, and she is trying desperately to hang onto the resistance that was so strong just minutes ago. Her focus trails down to the kitchen floor.

"Mrs. Fitch," Brent says. "I'm warning you, for your own good -- get out of this marriage before you get hurt again."

Now her attention snaps back to Brent. "Again?"

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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