Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #205

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"You don't think it's a good idea?"

"No, no," Molly says, scrambling to cover what she knows was an obviously unenthusiastic response. "It's fine. It's--it's good."

"It just seems like the family has been really fractured lately. I think something like this would be good to pull us together." Paula is quiet as she tries to read her daughter. "Is there some reason I shouldn't have this party?"

Molly shakes her head. "No, of course not. But ... what makes you say that there's something wrong? I know it's been rough since Tim died, but ... I think things are getting better with time, don't you?"

"Maybe. But I visited Claire the other day, and ... she's not doing well, Molly. She's very edgy -- it's like she's only holding on by a thread."

"Well, I can only imagine what losing Tim must be like for her," Molly says. "It was bad enough for us. She has the kids to worry about -- she was going to spend her life with him! I hardly think a dinner party is going to fix that."

"I know that. But she's very insecure about her place in this family now. She seems to think that because Tim is gone, she's no longer a member of our family. That's why I want to try and pull everyone together -- to make Claire feel like a part of the family again."

"I guess that is a good idea."

"I'm hoping it will help Claire at least a little bit," Paula says. "You know how she is -- she never wants to ask for help or admit that she might need it." She pauses a moment, caught in reflection.

"What?" Molly narrows her eyes with concern.

"Well ...  I get the impression that there's something else going on. Something she hasn't told us about."

"Like what?"

"I have no idea," Paula says. "Something at work, maybe. Or ..." Her mind returns to her visit to Claire's apartment a few days ago, when Ryan showed up.

"Or ... ?"

"Nothing." Paula shakes her head. "I don't know. But there is something else, I'm almost sure. And until it's resolved, whatever it is, I don't think Claire will even begin being able to heal."

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five

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