Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #205

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"I got your message," Claire explains as she steps inside the apartment.

"Terrific," Andy says. "I was hoping you'd be able to drop by tonight."

"So what's going on?" Claire asks as Andy closes the door. "Why'd you want to see me?"

Andy brings two fingers up to his right temple and rubs lightly. "I found out something this afternoon that I wanted to share with someone."

Claire motions for him to go on.

"It was a rather ... disturbing discovery. But I think it could be a break for us." When Claire looks confused, he adds, "I may have found what we need to pry my mother away from Nick Moriani."

"Really? What is it?"

"I was at the bank taking care of some things today," he says. "Mother and I still share a few main accounts, so I was transferring some of the money into my account. And I noticed that she withdrew a sizable amount."

"Do you think Nick might have talked her into something?"

"I know he did. I checked the account activity. It turns out that my mother had the money transferred -- into a new account that she shares with Nick."

Claire folds her arms in front of her, readjusting her black purse to get it off her wrist. "I think I see where you're going with this."

"He's conning her, Claire. He must be. He's in this for the money."

"That sounds like vintage Nick to me."

"All we have to do is catch him now," Andy says. "He's going to slip up, I know it. We just have to find out what he does with this money and we'll have the proof we need."

He pauses briefly. "So are you in? Are you ready to bring down Nick for real?"

Claire's uncomfortable eyes betray her uncertainty over how to respond.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five

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