Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #203

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"Of course."

Nick is ready to break into a more impassioned argument, but Katherine's words register just as he opens his mouth.

"Really?" he asks with surprise.

"Absolutely," she smiles. "I wouldn't want you to miss out on what sounds like an excellent opportunity. Besides, we had discussed forming a joint bank account. We can go open a new account and I'll have some money transferred into it."

Nick is still trying to calm himself mentally as he puts on a cool smile. "Wonderful. Thank you very much."

"It's not a favor, dear. I married you because I trust you." Andy's admonitions from her wedding night and from the weeks before begin ringing in her ears as she adds, "I don't want this to be like a business arrangement, and I don't want to operate on the assumption that things are going to go sour."

Nick draws her into his arms. "I'm glad you feel that way. I couldn't have put it better myself."

Her hands settle onto his back and tighten the embrace. Nick holds her as relief washes over him. Finally ... I can be rid of this debt.

But there is something else there, riding right on the tail of that pleasant thought. And it's a distinctly unpleasant feeling.

Nick tries to quiet it as he silently marvels at how wonderful it will be to be free of his debt after so long.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven

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